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  • Writer's pictureRiya + Emi

11: IB Resource - CAS Progress Log

Hey guys! This is gonna be a sweet and straightforward blog post. Here is a lil’ resource I made for my fellow classmates, which I decided to share with y’all as well. It’s a CAS Log that you can input and track all your CAS experiences with. 

Oftentimes, kids will write proposals and do CAS no problem; the problem comes when they don’t keep track of how many of each they’ve done. In IB, they want to make sure that you are well-rounded, which also includes CAS. That means you can’t get away with doing a bunch of exercise just to get all your CAS done; I know, it can suck, but it makes sense why it is the way it is. Just think of it as an excuse to learn and do new things you otherwise wouldn’t be able to due to studying for school!

Basically, the way the CAS Logs works is like this:

You put the title of your experience under the Title column, check off the progress of your CAS experience as each step is approved/done. Once it’s done, you can check off the final column of the CAS process, and check off the reflection if you decide to reflect on that particular experience as well.

That’s it! Pretty simple, yet useful!

I know some people like to use just check boxes to keep track of progress, while others like to read in words their progress. Lucky for both, I have two different Logs to fit those two different styles! 

For those that’d like a visual graph to accompany their Log as they record all their CAS, the “Simple Log” is for you! For those that’d like to tick off every small step of CAS and do the math yourself, the “Detailed Log” is for you! The naming can be confusing, but honestly, just open both and see for yourself which one you’d like to use!

There are many features on the “Simple Log” that you can play around with, to see how the graphs or numbers shift with each input. I’d recommend you play around just to get at all the explanations I attempt to cover in my “Instructions” sheet. You could read it through, but just playing around I think is the best way to see how it is in action. 

If you guys have any questions about Spreadsheets, or how to use either of the two, feel free to comment down below! I hope that you guys can find some use in these Spreadsheets for your two year journey throughout the IB. 

Now go have fun doing some CAS!


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