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  • Writer's pictureRiya + Emi

2: Q & A With Riya + Emi

Hey! We thought that we’d like to introduce ourselves a bit more to our readers and viewers, so here we are!  This is just a random Q & A session that will help us connect and relate to you better! So let’s get started, shall we?


Random About Us (Individually)

What is the meaning of your name?

Riya: Pretty Princess!

Emi: Blessed Beauty

What is something you are gifted at?

Riya: Calligraphy.

Emi: Creating explanations and connections to things that don’t usually make sense.

What is your dream profession?

Riya: Doctor! As of now, in specific, I would like to become a Pediatric Oncologist.

Emi: I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up yet, but for now a high school teacher seems interesting to me. 

Do you have any pets? If so, what and what are their names?

Riya: I don't have any pets, but at one point, I did have fish!

Emi: I have a white-poodle mix named Polly.

Are you more artistic or mathematically driven?

Riya: Artistically driven. I love to write, read, play the piano, do calligraphy, paint and draw!

Emi: I am artistically driven; the arts have shaped the way I think since I was little from dancing to arts & crafts. I like how open-minded it is. 

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?

Riya: As of now, Paris is the top on my list! 

Emi: Although I’m Japanese, I’d like to see Japan again. I haven’t been there since I was a baby!

What is something on your bucket list?

Riya: To travel the whole world!

Emi: To get a dollar-slice pizza from NYC. 



What is your favorite book?

Riya: Any book from the ‘Harry Potter’ series! (In terms of poetry, definitely ‘The Sun and Her Flowers’ by Rupi Kaur.)

Emi: I don’t read much unless it’s for school (I’m sorry), but some good reads I’ve encountered thanks to school were ‘The Book Thief’ by Markus Zusak & ‘Where the Mountain Meets the Moon’ by Grace Lin. 

What is your favorite subject in high school?

Riya: Psychology.

Emi: Dance or Philosophy. 

What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Riya: Mint Chocolate Chip - any day!

Emi: Vanilla Bean is basic, but a classic. 

What is your favorite color?

Riya: Blue - literally any type of blue.

Emi: Olive green and pastel yellow are some neat colors.

What is your favorite quote?

Riya: “Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever.” - Mahatma Gandhi

Emi: “Live, laugh, love.” - Every piece of kitchen decor ever (haha)

What is your favorite Disney movie? Who is your favorite character?

Riya: Either ‘Finding Nemo’ with Squirt being my favorite character, or ‘Mulan’, with Mushu being my favorite.

Emi: I love how magical ‘Alice in Wonderland’ is. Cheshire Cat or White Rabbit are some of my favorites from it.


Random About Us (Together)

What are three qualities you love about each other?

Riya: I love that Emi has a lot of energy, is passionate about anything and everything she sets her mind to, and always brings a positive attitude wherever she goes!

Emi: Riya is so driven and passionate, which inspires me to match that same energy as her. She is very grounded in her moral compass and I know I can rely on her for anything; she truly is the best. 

What is your favorite memory together?

Riya: Every moment I spend with Emi turns out to be my favorite! All of the projects we’ve worked on, get-togethers we’ve planned - almost anything! Now, if I had to choose a favorite, I’d say the day that I made a project proposal just for her!

Emi: Any time we spend on a Google Doc just chatting between one another. They’re spontaneous if we ever are online at the same time, but when we are, the document looks a little crazy after, haha. OH - I also love it when we stare across the classroom to one another in ‘The Office’ fashion. 


We hope you enjoyed reading a little more about us and the perks of our friendship! From now onwards, our posts will be about random topics relating to high school! Stay tuned for the tips and advice!

- Riya + Emi

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