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  • Writer's pictureRiya + Emi

3: Some Words to Keep You Going

Updated: Jun 10, 2020

Is there ever a time that you feel like you need some motivation in your life? Are you ever presented with a challenge that may seem as daunting as climbing a mountain? Don’t worry! I’m here to send some inspiration your way, which will help you climb your figurative mountain!

Let's get started! Here come the words of wisdom! (Also, click on the authors' names to learn more about them!)


1. “You’re off the great places, today is your day, your mountain is waiting, so get on your way!” - Dr. Seuss

No matter how difficult the task may seem, just remember, "you're off the great places." Make today count and get started! Don't give up and you'll eventually get there. I have faith in you and you should, too!

2. “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” - Les Brown

At the start of a new challenge, you should always make goals! Try to aim as high as you can. That way, even if you meet only half of the goal's condition, you'll still find out that you've achieved way more than you had expected, which will inspire you to continue aiming high!

3. “Stop being afraid of what could go wrong, and think of what could go right.” - Unknown

Don't fear about what will happen, especially during exam season. After all, everything happens for a reason! Study hard, give it your all, and try your best! Don't worry about the end result and there will always be a positive result awaiting, I assure you that.

4. "It always seems impossible until it’s done.” - Nelson Mandela

Even if you think something is impossible, there is a 99.9% chance that it's not! Nothing is impossible if you look at it optimistically. All you have to do is stay calm, plan ahead, and work as hard as you can towards achieving your goal. Once you do achieve your goals, you can always take a look back at your progress (what you've done) and see for yourself that nothing indeed is impossible!

 5. “Strive for progress, not perfection.” - Unknown

Don't expect to be perfect in everything you do! I learned this the hard way: I liked to do everything perfectly, but I realized that there is no such thing as absolute perfection. You will always find flaws in your work, so strive for progress towards completing your goal instead. It will get you way further than perfection ever will!

 6. “It’s fine to celebrate success, but more important to heed the lesson of failure.” - Bill Gates

Celebrate your successes - there's nothing wrong with that! You deserve it, after all! At the same time, however, you need to know how to learn lessons from past failures so that you can be capable of implementing these morals and optimize yourself as an individual in the future. Trust me, this will help you a lot in the long run!

7.  “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” - Albert Einstein

Made a mistake? It's okay! No one is perfect. Just learn from it and keep trying! Also, don't be afraid to make mistakes and try out new things. This is the only way you'll be able to expand your horizons and explore new strategies and techniques that might help as you try again.

8. “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” - Thomas Edison

If you give up, that shows that you don't have enough faith in yourself to aim for your own idea of success. Never give up! Keep trying, even if it takes a thousand times! You'll get it eventually. Just set your mind to it and success will follow! I guarantee it!

9. “The secret to getting ahead is getting started.” - Unknown

Don't procrastinate! This is a big one, especially for high schoolers, and even I find myself guilty of it. Start as early as you can - it's the only way you'll be able to get ahead of the game! This also counts with studying for exams! Start from the beginning of the school year and you won't regret it!

10. “Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever.” - Mahatma Gandhi

Personally, this is my all-time favorite quote. Live every day to your fullest. Don't leave anything for you to regret and as modern lingo dictates: YOLO (you only live once)!

Alongside living, keep learning! Learn anything and everything you possibly can - from school subjects to even your own mistakes. Just follow this quote as your motto, you'll be glad you did!


Lastly, don't forget to "Climb mountains, hike forward, and push yourself!" You got this!

- Riya

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