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  • Writer's pictureRiya + Emi

5: Easy Ideas for CAS

Hey there! We wanted to give you a few easy CAS ideas that you could use if you ever needed inspiration and ideas. Keep in mind, some of these activities may require money or adult supervision, so be sure to plan ahead before starting any of these CAS ideas. Let’s get started!


C: Creativity

- Learn how to play a song on an instrument

- Paint a picture on a canvas

- Learn new art techniques

- Choreograph a dance

- Take pictures (of yourself or nature)

- Take up a drawing challenge

- Take up a music challenge

- Take up baking/cooking

- Start your own blog/YouTube channel/Pinterest account

- Join/Start a band

- Rearrange your room and deep clean it

- Photoshop something together

- Visit an Art museum

- Attend a workshop to fine-tune a creative skill

- Attend a concert

- Watch a play

- Watch a movie and write a review

- Attend a cultural event

- Have a mini photoshoot with friends (Bring props, outfits, and have fun!)

- Create a music playlist for friends or others

- Have a mini photoshoot with friends (Bring props, outfits, and have fun!)

- Create a scrapbook with pictures & memories

- Attend a masterclass (Dance studios often host these, & drop-ins are sometimes offered. Research and see what opportunities are available around you)

- Start a Gratitude Journal

- Create a Bullet journal

- Create art or an impressive structure in Minecraft

- Attend a convention or festival for a topic you are interested in (Comic-Con, Anime Expo, ACL Music festival, etc.)

- Review local hotspots of restaurants, food trailers, coffee shops, and more (Very fun if a friend tags along in this)

- Learn video editing through an online course and show off your newly learned skills in a video created by you

- Enter a poetry, photography, or musical competition and see how far you can make it

- Start a 365 photo project, or record one second a day to capture the essence of your year

- Find a community wall to decorate with permission from the owners


A: Activity

- Climbing (Indoor/Outdoor)

- Yoga

- Climbing (Indoor/Outdoor)

- Zumba Classes

- Swimming

- Judo, Taekwondo, or Karate

- Skateboarding

- Go ice skating

- Biking

- Hiking a trail

- Dancing

- Paddleboarding

- Try indoor cycling (SoulCycle, Equinox, Cyclebar are a few companies that offer this)

- Find a healthy recipe for breakfast/lunch/dinner for a week & review from it

- Explore an area of town you are unfamiliar with while jogging

- Meditate & start a mental reflection journal

- Create your own work-out routine

- Find an exercise challenge & commit to it, journal it as it goes on (Pinterest has some good inspiration)

- Do a set number of a workout for a certain amount of time (50 crunches every day for one month)

- Start a water drinking journal

- Keep track of your daily foods & calories for a mindful diet

- Try going vegan, keto, vegetarian, pescatarian, dairy-free, gluten-free, etc. for a month & record any results or changes from it

- Set a ‘mental health day’ for reflection & productivity

- Read a self-help book & improve on a thinking mindset

- Improve upon a skill within an activity you already do (eg. if you swim, work on your form for diving)

- Try a subscription for a fitness program such as Orange Theory, and write a review about the exercise process and/or the program itself

- Pay for a month’s worth of membership at a gym, pool, etc. & write what health opportunities and benefits it gave you

- Trying acupuncture

- Get physical therapy for an injury & recording improvement progress on a log

- Get mental therapy for any issues or stress, recording improvements on a log

- Go on a ‘No XYZ’ diet (eg. sugar, carbs, etc.)

- Experiment making smoothies or post-workout drinks, and record which one was best after your activity using logs and reviews

- Go to the store and try one ‘exotic’ fruit a day (dragonfruit, feijoas, prickly pear, star fruit, lychee, etc.) with reviews and facts of each one’s benefits


S: Service

- Volunteering at a serving center

- Volunteering at a pet shelter

- Setting up a fundraiser

- Volunteering at a hospital

- Learn how to perform CPR

- Tutor a group of children

- Organize a book/food drive

- Organize a plastic pick-up/ beautification event

- Volunteer at your local library or museum

- Donate to a charity (for example, write cards to children)

- Volunteer at a school club (if you are in a club, you will be able to find so many types of volunteering opportunities!)

- Perform an act for the local retirement center (dance, play, music concert, etc.)

- Create an awareness campaign for an important cause through posters & a website to educate others (hunger, pollution, etc.)

- Create a video to promote sustainable living and alternative solutions (renewable energy, water conservation habits, recycling, etc.)

- Interview people on various issues to highlight the ways people are impacted with social research emphasis (homelessness, unemployment, depression, anxiety, etc.)

- Conduct a survey to analyze data and importance on a conflicting issue (environmental survey, technology accessibility, school environment safety, etc.)

- Redesign, create or update a non-profit company’s website

- Collecting gently-used clothing to donate to a local homeless shelter

- Creating care packages, snack basket, or hygiene set to homeless shelters


O: Other

For our CAS experiences, our sponsor allowed us to make our own category, that allowed us to participate in activities that showed life skills and were CAS-worthy, but didn’t fit into these 3 sections. If this is also the case for you, here are some ideas!

- Meditation

- Shadowing a professional

- Trying a new cuisine 

- Improving your Word, PowerPoint, or Excel skills online

- Start creating your resume for job interviews or college

- Learn a new language

- Learn how to change a flat tire or jumpstart a car

- Create a budget & stick to it (Especially for teens who have a job & work)

- Teach or coach others in an activity you are skilled in (Sports, dance, acting, anything!)

- Any ‘adulting’ skills that are useful to learn as a teen (learn how to read a pay stub, write a check, send an envelope, etc.) 

- If you are of age to vote, learn where your local polling place is and vote!


We hope these tips can come into use for you! Hope to hear back from you and see how your experiences went!

- Riya + Emi

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